Large white bedroom, with a sheer curtain held above the bed by a standing woman

Do something WONDERFUL

Leave a lasting gift.

Gifts in wills play a vital role in supporting our artistic vision for future generations. A recent reduction in our Arts Council England funding, along with the rise in cost of living, means that now, more than ever, we need the promise of your support to enable our work to continue long into the future.

If you have decided to leave a gift to WNO in your will or are planning to do so, we would love to hear from you. We would value the opportunity to thank you for your support and keep you informed of our work.

To let us know your intentions or to have a confidential discussion about leaving a legacy gift, please contact Lorraine Rees or call 029 2063 5014 or download the form below.

My Mum was integral in the running of the Liverpool & northwest England branch of WNO Friends for many years, along with my Dad and Grandmother. She was also the person who introduced me to opera and WNO when I was a child. She is the reason that I love opera and the reason why I wanted to work at WNO. By leaving a gift to WNO in her will she is helping to keep opera alive for both myself and future generations of opera lovers.

Elspeth Harding, WNO Casting Department Lead

Write your Will for free with Octopus Legacy

We have partnered with expert will writers, Octopus Legacy, who offer a quick and easy online will-writing service where each will is checked over by a legal expert. 

Octopus Legacy also offer telephone and face-to-face will writing services for those who would rather speak in person to a solicitor. To find out more and book an appointment simply call their team on 0800 773 4014. 

Please note that Octopus Legacy offer this service in English only.